Monthly Archives: December 2015


This week we talked about mapping music. The tools that we were showed is helping with the final assignment. You can see what artists are similar to other artists and same with songs. What I found the most interesting was the link to the Songs of America. You can see what songs and the genres that are from the different parts of the country. I love how you can see what genres originated from what regions. Some of these were not surprising, like the kind of music found around Virginia.


On Monday, the DAW was introduced. The DAW is the Digital Audio Workstation. Tomorrow we will be doing a workshop so I thought I would do some background research beforehand. This program is used when working with music. You can record, edit, and make music with this program. It has been around longer than I thought. People began using it as early as the seventies. Over the years, it is becoming more accessible to people as technology continues to expand and the program is becoming cheaper. The DAW is used everywhere today; from tv to radio to music.